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Leaks can be

detected from


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leak detection

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Water Audit

We have certified auditors

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Say hello

to smart


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Leaks can be

detected from


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leak detection

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    Satelital Leak Detection

    Water Audit

    Video inspection

    Reconnection and rehabilitation of water taps

    Equipment manteinance

    Analysis of consumption in micro and macro measurement

    Latest news

    La tecnología de Asterra está patentada en México

      ¡Oficialmente la tecnología de detección Satelital…

    Webinar en Perú

    Hace unos días estuvimos presentando sobre Asterra…

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      We are specialists in water metering and leak detection

      We are dedicated to providing you with accurate and efficient solutions for water management, administration and measurement.
      © Hidromedidores 2019 | Privacy Policy
